Friday, October 25, 2013

Hanbok Day, SFS Style

Starting on a cool, fall morning, the entire elementary school gathered in the courtyard in front of the Korean Gate, posing in their hanboks (traditional Korean costume) and taekwando uniforms for the annual Hanbok photo. Although there was a sea of colors, pink was one of the more dominant colors, for boys and girls alike. 

 Sponsored by the PTA, each grade level had a chance to play a few traditional instruments, twirl the nongak hat with ribbon, and sample some Korean treats. 
Some students and teachers took their hanboks off after the photos, while others kept them on the entire day. Shifting a few art projects for the day to "less mess" ones enabled me to bravely keep on my hanbok for the entire day. Pictured here is my volunteer assistant Hae Jung next to me. Being a lot taller than the average Korean woman, I had to have my hanbok tailor made. The colors I selected look a lot different than that of the typical one (Hae Jung's is her wedding hanbok and is the pink color normally associated with weddings), but I feel the colors suit me well. Although I wouldn't want to wear it that often, at least I could dress myself - unlike trying to tie a sari :)

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