Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Sangam - Kaveri River

Our driver then took us to the sangam, or confluence of the two arms of the Kaveri River. Parking our car next to the large number of busses, the path to the river required us to pass buy lots of stalls selling drinks, trinkets, etc., as well as kids trying to sell postcards. At the confluence, school groups were sitting on steps enjoying mid-morning snacks of rice, briyani, and other South Indian foods. One teacher was dishing out the rice on each child’s plate from a large bucket. On the ground near the river were piles of plates and other discarded items, detracting from the nature scene before us. Sitting on rocks and some grassy areas within the river were a few birds. Further out were some people out on the coracle boat, with the oarsmen spinning them around in the circular shallow vessel.

Near a small Hindu altar right on the edge of the river, a man with shaved head walked into the river, carrying a small clay pot. Once out there, he submerged it in the river in a rather ceremonious way, leading us to presume that the pot was likely an urn.

See more photos of the Sangam on Melissa's Flickr page

1 comment:

Virginia Bed and Breakfast said...

Kiveri River is the smallest river in between the five main rivers of the Indian dry land, the others being the Mahanadi, Godavari, Narmada, and Krishna.