Monday, January 23, 2012

National Museum, Phnom Penh

Our next stop was to the National Museum, located just north of the Palace. Although photography of most objects was not allowed, we did enjoy viewing the Hindu statues (some dating back to the 6th century), a statue of the leader responsible for some of the grandest structures within the Angkor period, and some post-Angkor Buddha figures. Wings of the museum opened to a central garden, complete with water gardens, tropical vegetation, and a Buddhist sculpture in the middle. Although the museum was interesting to look at and contained information in English, it would have had more impact had we come after touring Angkor Wat. 


tombetz said...

I fail to appreciate the logic behind banning photography. It might be as simple as losing potential Gift Shop revenue?

Melissa Enderle said...

Sometimes I think it may be influenced by a desire to get more revenue. For fragile paintings, frescoes, etc., I can understand the fear, as a "no flash" policy will inevitably mean that many people still use flash, often times because they simply don't know how to turn flash off.