Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kutch Kitchen and Silver Jewelry

Mr. Valji then showed of his house. One white wall of the kitchen was decorated with the same relief design and mirrors as we had seen in the Banni region. Family–woven blankets covered the refrigerator sides and door. In the next equally clean room stood two storage cab made out of mud and decorated with the same relief/ mirror design combination. Elevated off the ground and away slightly from the wall in case of condensation, this is where they still stored their food grain. Mr. Valji’s mother was on the floor on a carpet, working on a quilt. Along with her colorful, traditional dress, she wore some chunky looking jewelry. Her two silver necklaces weighed 800 and 200 g respectively (1.76 lb and .44 lb), while her two anklets weighed 500 g (1.1 lb) each.

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