Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ayudha Puja Time again

Already in the airport, I saw signs of today's festivities. One of the computer monitors had the sandalwood paste splattered over it. On the way home from the airport, banana stalks were flapping in the breeze, attached to the sides of the auto rickshaws. Motorbikes, buses, cars, bikes, and even the local recycling dude's tricycle cart had garlands of flowers and other decorations on them. Special stands were set up for auto rickshaws where they could get the TLC makeover treatment for their vehicles - wash and decoration. Over some businesses, one could find more floral garlands and hanging palm frond decorations.

Read more about this festival honoring/worshiping the implements of labor on my blog post from last year:


Pat said...

Oh, even with your short descriptions I miss India. You are so fortunate to be spending extended time there.

Melissa Enderle said...

In a few months you'll be in India, forming your own memories!