Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gosung Ogwangdae - Scene 5

Second wife and husband at the ceremonial table. Note the downward gaze of the woman.
The fifth scene of the Gosung Ogwandae is also known as the Dance of Jaemilju, the Concubine. The wife searches to find her husband, only to discover that he has mistress. 

Concubine and husband dancing
Halmi, spinning.
The mistress delivers a baby in a rather quick birth. She regain consciousness, only to discover that the older wife has the baby in her arms. In a bit of tug-of-war with the baby son, the two jealous women end up dropping the baby, which dies. I found it interesting that the baby was very primitive looking - like a stiff, simple doll.
Descriptors from some websites then describe the concubine as attacking the wife, with the wife falling and also dying. The fifth scene is a satire of the relationship between a wife and a concubine.

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